
Martin Klier


Oracle Core für Einsteiger: Datenbank I/O at DOAG 2014

Proud to announce, that DOAG accepted my tech talk “Oracle Core für Einsteiger: Datenbank I/O” for DOAG Conference 2014 in Nuremberg. It’s my next contribution to DOAGs thread aiming at beginners and part-time database people. The talk will be in German, here comes its abstract: Oracle Core für Einsteiger: Datenbank I/O Wir kennen verschiedene I/O-Typen, […]

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Status Blog

Hello, long time no see? Many things have changed here, so my time for blogging was limited. Together with Benedikt Nahlovsky, I founded “Performing Databases“, a company to offer top-class database know-how combined with flexibility and agility. Doing all the formal requirements, and pushing business into life absorbed much of my free brain space. In […]

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Oracle SQL Developer: New window, new session. Bad behavior?

Yay, it’s there. SQL Developer 4 is usable. It brings a new session for a new window (“unshared worksheet” in Oracle terms) – I was told lately SQL Developer 3 already had this. Did you know? Now we are kind of stable in 4: The 4.0.2 build 1521 (hehe) works good, so it’s time to […]

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Oracle 11.2 PSU2 Grid Infrastructure stack start … failed to complete at crsconfig_lib.pm line 11814

Oh, sometimes it’s just (own or close-people’s) PEBKAC that costs you time and gray hair… Patching to PSU2 on Linux was such an issue. Problem “opatch auto” with all comfort worked well, applied the patch, but re-starting the clusterware failed with: Starting CRS… Installing Trace File Analyzer CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been […]

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Oracle on Linux: How to hide your password when using a wrapper script

Sometimes, a DBA has to write an externally called wrapper script for various Oracle-supplied commands accepting password inputs. A prominent and simple example is SQL*plus (sqlplus). The Problem The process list shows all parameters of a command that’s currently executed. wrapper1.sh Accepts all connection infos on the command line: #!/bin/bash cmdstring=”sqlplus ${1}/${2}@${3}” echo “Executed command: […]

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Slides for COLLABORATE 2014 IOUG forum talk #C14LV

Hi folks, here’s my slides for “YOUR machine and MY databases – a performing relationship?!” at Collaborate 2014 Las Vegas. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! 2014_141_Klier_odp_v1 2014_141_Klier_v1_doc Some pictures to come soon! You may want to follow the #C14LV hashtag to see what’s going on. 🙂   […]

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SQL Server Analysis Look At’s

End of March, I had a chance to dig a bit deeper into MS SQL Server analysis. The german chapter of PASS (http://www.sqlpass.org) organized one of their “Essentials”, a condensed training day with a specific topic. This one was named “SQL Server Analysis” and was held by Andreas Wolter (MCSM) in Nuremberg. Here comes my […]

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Oracle Dataguard: ORA-00600 [krsu_upi_atc.7] – crash when primary ships the first time

After setting up a new Oracle Dataguard system (primary plus one standby DB), everything looked promising. But after activating the log shipping from primary, and after archiving a redo log for the first time, the primary instance crashed with ORA-00600 [krsu_upi_atc.7]. Without the standby system available (DB idle or listener off), no error occurred. ****************************************************************** […]

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