
Martin Klier


Oracle on Linux: How to hide your password when using a wrapper script

Sometimes, a DBA has to write an externally called wrapper script for various Oracle-supplied commands accepting password inputs. A prominent and simple example is SQL*plus (sqlplus). The Problem The process list shows all parameters of a command that’s currently executed. wrapper1.sh Accepts all connection infos on the command line: #!/bin/bash cmdstring=”sqlplus ${1}/${2}@${3}” echo “Executed command: […]

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Oracle: Audit a failed logon attempt without auditing

Oracle has a disadvantage: It allows no trigger BEFORE LOGON ON DTATBASE! 🙂 For obvious reasons, this would be nonsense, but there’s a need for it! Auditing failed logon attempts, for example. Of course, there’s Oracle Auditing. But IMO, setting up an audit trail for one Email in one case looked like the overkill to […]

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