
Martin Klier


Oracle: How to stop a (MTS) dispatcher process – mad behaviour of ALTER SYSTEM

Manually stopping a dispatcher process is one of the things I have to look up each time, since it’s needed not that often. And, the word “dispatcher” does not appear in the command line! 🙂 alter system shutdown immediate ‘D000’; where “D000” is the dispatcher process name selected from v$dispatchers or gv$dispatchers. (In the latter […]

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Attended “Reactive Performance Management” with Craig Shallahamer

Monday and today (Tuesday) I attended a 2-days Oracle University class with Craig Shallahamer from OraPub, taking place in Munich. Honestly, I have had no expectations at all, so there has been nothing to be crestfallen or to be fulfilled. I just was looking forward to the one or other hint how to find the […]

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memlock config for Debian Lenny

Hi, today I tried to start Oracle XE with parameters “pre_paged_sga=true” and “lock_sga=true” on my Debian Lenny toybox. But Lenny has had a rather strict and really sticky value for the user’s maximum amount of pinned memory (ulimit -l) value: 32 (kb). First attempt, change /etc/security/limits.conf: oracle – memlock 1073741824 Result: Nothing, “ulimit -l” as […]

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Oracle DML Parallel Execution Don’ts

Have you ever waited on a parallelized statement? Parallel execution is said to be fast, efficient, system-exhausting. Far from that! There’s a x86_64 system with 16 cores and over 600MB/s write-IO ability, one statement running, one CPU burning, one developer waiting. For days. Finally, at the end of the week, the admin is involved. […]

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Nerd compliments.

If anybody ever considers joining irc.freenode.net #oracle (what I’d recommend for all Oracle interested folks), be prepared for being treated like that: <nayyares> it worked !!! <usn> wait some time, it might crash, or restart all cluster services to see if there is a boot bug <nayyares> ok, i am monitoring usn <Rudemeister> Im also […]

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TEMP tablespace too small

Today I got a mail from my grid control: “Tablespace TEMP1 is 97% full”, acting for one of the single instance servers. No problem, you may think, this might happen. It’s an OLAP database, so I wasn’t afraid of big numbers as well. But as you can see, using all this huge temp tablespace for […]

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Cleanly removing an agent or host target from Oracle Grid Control

Removing a host/agent in Oracle’s Grid Control can be unnerving: There are enough dependencies between the agent, the (cluster-)database, the listener, the host and so to make your deleting action an endless sequence if you are following them. But GC really becomes stubborn if the agent we are about to remove is unavailable: due to […]

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Grid Control startup fails, installUser=%s_userName%

Oracle seems to have an uncommon sense of humor. Executing gcstartup after patching the grid control server to (Linux x86) fails with: /bin/su: user %s_userName% does not exist I am not surprised, since this is windows’ environment variable notation, and unknown to my Linux shells. Solution: In the head of /opt/oracle/grid/oms10g/install/unix/scripts/omsstup replace installUser=%s_userName% with  the username […]

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