
Martin Klier


DOAG Konferenz 2013: “Oracle Architektur – nicht nur für Einsteiger”





After speaking about mutex waits last year, this time DOAG accepted my lecture “Oracle Architektur – nicht nur für Einsteiger” about Oracle Database basic architecture for this year’s DOAG Konferenz 2013 in Nürnberg. It will be the first lesson in a brand-new stream of the conference: The so-called “Einsteigerpaket” (beginners package) allows seeing a full stream of introductory talks by only purchasing a one-day ticket for the last day (thursday).

“Oracle Architektur – nicht nur für Einsteiger” will cover basic but important concepts of the Oracle RDBMS: How it makes ACID happen, what are Redo Logs, Undo Records, Before Images, how is locking done, and where not, and why all of those old day’s features allowed Oracle to introduce sophisticated stuff like RAC, Dataguard and Flashback without breaking bones.

Nuts and bolts is the topic, but on a level every IT technican should understand. Hope to see you there: 21.11.2013, 0900h, Room 19

Direct link to the session: http://www.doag.org/konferenz/vortrag_details.php?kid=441438&tag=21-NOV-2013&id=464288

Here the link to the papers and a photo from the session.

How NLS settings can affect Oracle’s join behavior – v$ example
Oracle 12c New Features – Look at’s for

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